SEA’s trip to the Flatlands

Arun Augustine
2 min readDec 6, 2015

Stevenson Erwin Albert, nicknamed SEA, is Captain Planaut’s pet cat.

She is a thoroughbred Steampunk, bought for a princely sum of sixty dollars and service tax from an online seller of virtual cats called You would think that Turbosquid is a seller of sushi, but no, Jiro is the guy for sushi. (One would think Jiro is a seller of Gyros, but One would be wrong again! And Zero would laugh at One and tell him, “I told you so!”.) The Captain thinks, the price was a bargain, considering how Rachel Green paid $1000 dollars for that hissing cat. (Catniss? Was that it’s name?)

Diversions aside, this is the story about SEA’s trip to the Flatlands, a universe of 2-Dimensions, existing as a quantum parallel universe, just four wormholes and a blackhole away from our regular 3-Dimensional home planet, Earth.

Before I begin, I must briefly recapitulate, SEA’s adventures in Copenhagen. SEA had a narrow escape, 007 style, being locked up in a steel chamber for about an hour, a geiger counter with a radio-active element about to decay and radio-activate the release of hydrocyanic acid that would have killed her instantly. For that one hour, SEA was both dead and alive at the same time, her dead body superposition-ed on her living one. SEA narrowly escaped, Lady Probability being on her side. Her story made big news at that time, when the famous scientists, Schrodinger and Einstein debated on the scientific principles of Quantum Mechanics based on SEA’s experiences.

Seeing how, her adventures inspired the progress of science, SEA took up on herself to further explore the quantum world, trusting that Lady Probability will once again save her first life in the nick of a coin-toss. Moreover, SEA knew, she had eight more lives to live, till it was game-over.

(… , to , be , continued , …)

