Pillars of a Planaut

Be You. Be Open. Be Free. Belong

Arun Augustine
2 min readDec 5, 2020

Be You. All the time.

When you are yourself, you can be depended up on to be yourself all the time. Everyone has a gift, and when that individual is idempotent, then he/she/it can be depended upon to contribute, his/her/it’s unique talent when called upon.

Be Open. Be transparent.

It’s beautiful when you are transparent. When you are transparent the Schrodinger’s cat is not dead and alive at the same time. (Hopefully it’s alive and cute). When you are transparent, everyone can know and share your truths, and learn from your knowledge. Transparency builds trust. Trust builds a community.

Your knowledge is open for both people to see and learn from, but also, open for change when a new or better integrated piece of knowledge comes along.

Be Free. Use your Free Will.

Most often, it’s beautiful when you chose to use your free will. If you chose not to use your free will, well at least put some thought into it and chose (using your free will) not to use your free will.

You are also responsible for using your free will. You also take ownership of all that evolves from you, using it. Both, the beautiful and the missteps. Free will includes free thought, free speech, free silence, free actions, free emotions, free creativity, free principles, free force, free beer.

Belong, to the global village. Read about Ubuntu as a principle. As a planaut, you understand that everything is one bed-sheet. All is connected to each other. You belong to yourself and to others. You belong to the past, present and the future. When you belong, you practice altruism. Altruism is ensuring a positive evolutionary future for the people, including yourself. Everything changes, evolves. Entropy always increases. We expend our free will to make sure everything evolves towards a better version of itself.

We believe in the now but play for the future. A better future for the We.

It’s not just about you or me or us. it’s about the people, who lived, who lives, who will live and who will live on. It’s not about perfection. Its about ensuring that tomorrow’s version is more awesome than today’s.

